The solubility of potassium chloride is 34.2 g/100 g h2o at 20°c. a 68.4-g sample of potassium chloride is added to 200.0 g of water

The solubility of potassium chloride is 34.2 g/100 g h2o at 20°c. a 68.4-g sample of potassium chloride is added to 200.0 g of water at 20°c. is the solution saturated, unsaturated, or supersaturated?

g KCl / g H2O = 68.4 g / 200 g = 0.342 g KCl / g H2O Therefore, the solution is saturated. Hope this answers the question.

The solution is saturated. Explanation: We are given: Solubility of KCl at 20°C = 34.2 g/100 g We need to find the type of solution when 68.4 grams of KCl is added to 200 grams of water at 20°C. There are three possibilities: If concentration is equal to the solubility; it is considered as saturated solution.If concentration is less than the solubility; it is considered as unsaturated solution.If concentration is greater than the solubility; it is considered as supersaturated solution. Ratio of the solubility of two solution is: When 34.2 gram of KCl is dissolved in 100 grams, the ratio becomes:   When 68.4 gram of KCl is dissolved in 200 grams, the ratio becomes:   As, the ratio of the solubility of both the solutions is equal, which means that the solution is saturated.

The concentration is equal to solubility, so the solution is saturated

Athena Estudy

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