Windows search & file explorer search not working

If you are facing issues with Windows search and file explorer search not working, then you are not alone. This is a common problem that many Windows users face. The search function is an essential feature of Windows, and it can be frustrating when it stops working. However, there are several solutions that you can try to fix this issue.

Here are some possible solutions to fix the Windows search and file explorer search not working issue:

1. Restart your computer: Sometimes, a simple restart can fix the problem. So, try restarting your computer and see if the search function starts working again.

2. Check for updates: Make sure that your Windows operating system is up to date. Go to Settings > Update & Security > Windows Update and check for any available updates. Install them if there are any.

3. Run the Windows Search Troubleshooter: Windows has a built-in troubleshooter that can help you fix search-related issues. Go to Settings > Update & Security > Troubleshoot > Search and run the troubleshooter.

4. Rebuild the search index: If the search index is corrupted, it can cause search-related issues. To rebuild the search index, go to Control Panel > Indexing Options > Advanced > Rebuild.

5. Disable third-party antivirus software: Sometimes, third-party antivirus software can interfere with the search function. Try disabling your antivirus software temporarily and see if the search function starts working again.

6. Check for file system errors: File system errors can also cause search-related issues. To check for file system errors, open Command Prompt as an administrator and run the command “sfc /scannow”.

7. Reset Windows Search: If none of the above solutions work, you can try resetting Windows Search. To do this, open Command Prompt as an administrator and run the command “net stop wsearch” followed by “net start wsearch”.

In conclusion, if you are facing issues with Windows search and file explorer search not working, try the above solutions one by one until the issue is resolved. If none of the solutions work, you may need to seek further assistance from a professional.


I hope that the solutions provided above were helpful in resolving the issue with Windows search and file explorer search not working. If you continue to face the same problem, do not hesitate to seek further assistance from a professional. Remember to keep your Windows operating system up to date and perform regular maintenance to avoid such issues in the future.

Athena Estudy

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