Windows Defender did not detect PUP.Optional.BrowseSmart.A

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Windows Defender is a built-in antivirus program in Windows 10 that helps protect your computer from malware, viruses, and other security threats. It uses real-time protection to scan files and programs as you access them, and it also updates itself automatically to stay current with the latest threats. However, like any antivirus software, Windows Defender may not detect all types of malware, especially potentially unwanted programs (PUPs) that are not necessarily harmful but can still cause annoyance or privacy issues.

One example of a PUP that Windows Defender may not detect is PUP.Optional.BrowseSmart.A, which belongs to a family of adware that displays unwanted ads, pop-ups, and redirects in your web browser. This PUP may come bundled with free software or downloads from untrusted sources, and it may modify your browser settings, such as the homepage, search engine, or new tab page, without your consent. It may also collect your browsing data, such as your search queries, URLs, IP address, and geolocation, and share it with third-party advertisers or affiliates.

If you suspect that your computer is infected with PUP.Optional.BrowseSmart.A or similar PUPs, you can try the following steps to remove them:

1. Run a full scan with Windows Defender: Open Windows Security by clicking on the shield icon in the taskbar or searching for it in the Start menu. Click on Virus & threat protection, then on Scan options, and select Full scan. Wait for the scan to complete and follow the instructions to remove any threats found.

2. Use a malware removal tool: If Windows Defender cannot detect or remove the PUP, you can try using a third-party malware removal tool, such as Malwarebytes, AdwCleaner, or HitmanPro. These tools are designed to detect and remove PUPs, adware, and other types of malware that may evade traditional antivirus software. Download and install the tool from a trusted source, then run a scan and follow the instructions to remove any threats found.

3. Reset your browser settings: If the PUP has modified your browser settings, you may need to reset them to their default values. This can help remove any unwanted extensions, toolbars, or search engines that may have been added by the PUP. To reset your browser settings in Google Chrome, for example, click on the three-dot menu in the top-right corner, then on Settings, scroll down to the bottom, click on Advanced


In conclusion, while Windows Defender is a reliable antivirus program, it may not always detect PUPs like PUP.Optional.BrowseSmart.A. Therefore, it’s important to stay vigilant and use additional tools and methods to protect your computer from potential threats. By following the steps outlined above, you can help remove any PUPs that may be causing issues on your computer and ensure that your browsing experience is safe and secure.

Athena Estudy

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