Why are prom tickets called “Bids”?

I don’t understand why Prom Tickets are often called Prom Bids. They are sold for a specific price and aren’t really negotiable So does anyone know why the term “Bid” is so often used?

I hope this helps.

The PROM BID started out in the U.S. as the much-cherished invitation to the PROM sent to a female college student, debutante, or otherwise suitable young woman by a male college student. A very popular girl might receive several offers or ‘bids’ – a bidding war! (<:) - and so might have to choose between them. Later quotes reveal that, over time, the phrase gradually also came to mean, in addition to, and largely in place of, the ‘invitation/offer/bid’ to the prom, the actual tickets to attend it.

Prom Bids

Athena Estudy

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