This Land from Lion King lyrics?

I’ve looked for the lyrics but all lyric sites say the song is instrumental. However, one can hear that there are words in the African language Zulu at the end. Although some of the lyrics can be found via other songs with similar words, I cannot seem to find the last few, nor am I able to translate them, not being familiar with Zulu. Anyone fluent and able to give the spelling of the lyrics from about 2:42 on in this video?

Hi Jackie,
“This Land”
Busa le lizwe bo (Rule this land)
Busa le lizwe bo (Rule this land)
Busa le lizwe bo (Rule this land)
Busa lomhlaba (Rule this land of ours)
Ubuse le lizwe (You rule this land)
Ubuse le lizwe (You rule this land)
Ubuse le lizwe (You rule this land)
Busa lomhlaba (Rule this land of ours)
Regards, Richard.
Additional information:
There have been several different sets of lyrics to the Lion King. The extract on your youtube clip appears to be from the finale. I have found two websites that are the closest I can find to the actual words in the clip.
The words are not quite complete in thei page, and they are to be found about 80-85% of the way through this page.…
The Zulu words seem more complete, but the English translation does not seem as good. The answer above is a merge of the information in these two web pages.
Note: I am still not sure about the very first word. It does not sound quite like ‘Busa’.

Lion King Lyrics

What you are looking for is called “Busa” and the lyrics part of it was used during Mufusa’s ghost scene, when Simba comes back to the pride lands, and in the ending scene.
This song was released in one of the two CDs that are connected- of inspired- by the 1st movie (the CD titled “The Rhythm Of Thepride Lands”).
See link below for lyrics.

It’s possible, but I am not 100% certain

hi there,
could this be of any help :
Mike Dennis.

Athena Estudy

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