Skin Heads. What does a “D-O-C” tattoo mean?

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Yes it refers to the movie American History X and there skinhead cult Disciples of Christ (wanna-be-so-called-skinhead-punks). But that movie stems or basis this on the Church of the Jesus Christ Christian which is a national raciest white supremacy based extremist christian faith.
I to have a shaved, tattoos, and most often politically incorrect and have been labeled a skinhead a time or two in my life. But of course that was by some those ignorant wanna be racial-profilers that plague our nation.

Source(s): artist and shop owner

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Skin Heads. What does a “D-O-C” tattoo mean?

Answer 6

“Dude on crack” is kinda funny. The only thing I’ve used it for is “department of corrections”. Probably not right either. Or “what’s up, doc?”. Maybe all skinheads are secretly fans of Bugs Bunny!!

Yeah,I thought it meant Department of Corrections also..

Doc Acronym

Answer 7

deciphles of christ is right… but thats a movie copycat thing for posers
and im not a skinhead, just to clarify (well yes i have a shaved head and i am very politically incorrect, but i’m not hatefull)


Todd in ‘Scrubs’ has one on his arm. I thought it was because he was a doctor!!

I do not have a tattoo. But, I do have 2 more points!

DOC (Disciples of Christ) refers to a fictional racist skinhead gang in the movie, “American History X.” Now, some racist skinheads actually tattoo themselves with the acronym DOC, paying homage to the gang in the movie.

Answer 6

“Dude on crack” is kinda funny. The only thing I’ve used it for is “department of corrections”. Probably not right either. Or “what’s up, doc?”. Maybe all skinheads are secretly fans of Bugs Bunny!!

DOC stands for “dookie on c̫o̫ςκs”


Todd in ‘Scrubs’ has one on his arm. I thought it was because he was a doctor!!

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Skin Heads. What does a “D-O-C” tattoo mean?

If you’re interested in getting a tattoo but are Unsure of what it involves, then you might want to read this article on the meaning of a “D-O-C” tattoo. This tattoo is typically worn by gang members and skinheads, and it stands for “dead or alive”. So if you’re looking to get yourself a badass tattoo but don’t know what to look for, then be sure to check out this article!

What is a Skin Head?

A skin head is a person who sports a D-O-C (denoting “doghead”) tattoo. The meaning of the tattoo varies depending on the individual’s interpretation, but generally it stands for “domestic outlawcrew” or “dead out crew.” In some cases, the tattoos are simply a way to identify friends within the skinhead community.

What does a “D-O-C” tattoo mean?

A “D-O-C” tattoo stands for “Dirty Old Codger.” It is most commonly seen on skinheads, as a badge of honor. A “D-O-C” tattoo is a symbol of strength and respect, given to those who have lived a hard life and can look down on others because of it.

A “D-O-C” tattoo typically consists of a skull with crossed knives above it. The meaning behind the tattoo is that the wearer has killed someone in cold blood, without remorse.


Skinheads are often associated with gang activity and criminal behavior. However, a “D-O-C” tattoo can also mean that the person has completed an intensive course in diesel mechanics. In other words, it is not just a tattoo that signifies hardcore musical tastes or drug use; it could also be linked to professional qualifications. This shows the complexity of skinhead culture – while at the same time reinforcing its outsider status.

Athena Estudy

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