Picture of Steve Wilkos with hair?!?

I want to know if anyone can find me a picture of steve wilkos with hair.. First one to do so will get best answer! Just curious of what he looks like with hair.

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Steve Wilkos With Hair

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Picture of Steve Wilkos with hair?!?
I want to know if anyone can find me a picture of steve wilkos with hair.. First one to do so will get best answer! Just curious of what he looks like with hair.

Watch this interview with him and you’ll see old high school pics of him with hair. http://video.pix11.com/Steve-Wilkos-on-what-shocks…

He had that male pattern baldness look going on when he was first working as a Jerry Springer security guard.

Answer 6

Haha, noooo! He’s too bald for that. Personally, I think he’s incapable of growing hair.


Athena Estudy

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